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Automated driving

New network for digital mobility solutions

On 16 May, the Network Intelligent Move, which is coordinated by the state agency e-mobil BW, officially started with a first network event. In addition to the presentation of the network and exchange and discussion in the first working group workshops, ETAS GmbH and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) offered exciting impulses.

Dr. Wolfgang Fischer eröffnet die erste Netzwerkveranstaltung des Netzwerks Intelligent Move.
The first Network Intelligent Move meeting took place on 16 May.
© e-mobil BW

Digitalisation is one of the main transformation drivers of the automotive industry. In the new Network Intelligent Move, which is coordinated by the state agency e-mobil BW, important impulses are being set to develop project ideas and roadmaps for the digital ecosystem and to make the best possible use of synergy potentials among the network partners. The network has now started its work on 16 May. The event started with keynote speeches by Dr.-Ing. Martin Kagerbauer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) and Dr. Detlef Zerfowski (ETAS) on the topic of mobility in times of climate change and software-defined cars. The focus of the event was on the exchange in two working groups in the morning and in the afternoon. The variety of topics ranged from infrastructure-supported driving and demand-oriented digital services to software integration in the vehicle and security as well as the approval process.


ICT as a transformation driver

The transformation of the mobility system by means of information and communication technology was discussed in the workshops. From software integration in the vehicle to networking with other vehicles and the infrastructure, but also automation and an intelligent connection to the energy system - all these are necessary building blocks to successfully design new mobility solutions. Increasingly, manufacturers from Germany and Baden-Württemberg are under pressure from international competition. Therefore, it is necessary to realise an overarching cooperation at the European level and to use synergies.


Demand-oriented digital services are individual

The second workshop of the morning showed that needs-based digital mobility services are highly individual. The IT sector can offer solutions for this, but at the same time must avoid an oversupply of digital services so as not to overburden users. From an application perspective, a change in behaviour must also take place. In order to achieve this, different framework conditions were discussed, including, for example, different and situational pricing models for means of transport in order to make alternative mobility concepts more attractive.

Equally important are suitable financing and funding instruments as well as simplified approval procedures. Only this way it will be possible to quickly translate successful pilot and innovation projects into scaling and a rollout.


The entire digital ecosystem in view

Due to the growing demand and the increasing need for digitalisation topics within the transport sector, the original working group of the Cluster Electric Mobility South-West was further developed into an independent network.

Within the Network Intelligent Move, challenges are identified in the four fields of action Digital Ecosystem, Digital Infrastructure, Digital Vehicles and Digital Services. As a thematic hub, the visibility and acceptance of new mobility topics and actors in Baden-Württemberg are to be increased.


Participate in the network

Digitalisation motivates the comprehensive networking of the transport system and its elements. This results in optimised or completely new mobility offers and solutions that offer great potential for sustainable transport. In parallel, expectations and needs for products are changing. This makes it all the more important to make the best possible use of synergy potentials and expertise in the field of digitalisation.

Participation in the Network Intelligent Move is open to all actors who deal with topics related to digitalisation in mobility and in the vehicle. Creative approaches to solutions and the joint further development of the network thrive on the cooperation of a wide variety of actors. If you are interested in participating in the network and the next planned activities, please reach out to our contact person Anna Brusius.

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