© iStock / Nikada


International networks and various forms of cooperation with outstanding partners abroad are vital, as they effectively support and shape the transformation of mobility in Baden-Württemberg. With this in mind, e-mobil BW is expanding its international activities and intensifying Baden-Württemberg's worldwide cooperation projects.

International cooperation is imperative if innovation and transformation are to have the best possible effect. An exchange of ideas with leading experts worldwide is therefore essential for Baden-Württemberg as an innovation location. At the same time, global challenges such as climate change can only be successfully tackled with cross-border approaches at European and international level.


International cooperation

e-mobil BW benefits from a broad international network of relevant players, clusters and networks in Europe, as well as in North America and Asia. With its global contacts, e-mobil BW supports Baden-Württemberg – and in particular small and medium-sized businesses – in becoming part of international knowledge flows and value chains.

Successful international networking translates into an immediate competitive advantage, which in turn boosts the state's strength in innovation. At the same time, international cooperation projects provide benchmarks for measuring one's own performance.

e-mobil BW has worked out a comprehensive innovation strategy with partners from industry and science, together with the Cluster Electric Mobility South-West and the Cluster Fuel Cell BW. This innovation strategy serves as an orientational framework for international engagement. It outlines the basic principles of international activities and provides a list of measures for promoting international networking and cooperation.

International partners

e-mobil BW maintains international relations and partnerships in North America, Europe, China, Korea and Japan. An essential partner project in Europe is "Four Motors for Europe".

International Partners of e-mobil BW.
International Partners of e-mobil BW
© e-mobil BW

Internationalisation strategy

  • Raising the profile of the Baden-Württemberg innovation network regarding future mobility technologies at international level
  • Tapping relevant markets for attractive mobility solutions of the future
  • Expanding the international cooperation network for companies, universities and research institutes
  • Offering international and intercultural information services
  • Positioning Baden-Württemberg as an important international location for the research, development and production of innovative mobility solutions
  • Boosting the attractiveness of Baden-Württemberg as a location for international experts

The portfolio is especially geared to the requirements of small and medium-sized businesses, helping them to open up relevant international target markets and to contact and cooperate with suitable partners abroad.

© e-mobil BW / KD Busch
Verkehrsminister Winfried Hermann auf der EVS32 in Lyon.
Verkehrsminister Winfried Hermann auf der EVS32 in Lyon.
© Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg

International activities and offers

Based on its internationalisation strategy, e-mobil BW offers a comprehensive portfolio of measures that help Baden-Württemberg-based companies to move their activities to an international level:

  • Delegation trips for companies, universities and research institutes
  • Initiation of international cooperation projects
  • Participation in international trade shows and congresses
  • Match-making events and cooperation forums in Germany and abroad
  • Informational events about international research and development locations

When implementing internationalisation measures, e-mobil BW collaborates with Baden-Württemberg International, the Steinbeis Europe Centre and numerous clusters, networks and organisations in Germany and abroad.

Delegation trips

In cooperation with Baden-Württemberg International, e-mobil regularly supports subject-specific delegation trips to relevant research and technology sites for future mobility technologies in Europe, North America and Asia.

Further information
Skyline von Shanghai
Skyline von Shanghai.
© e-mobil BW / Stefan Büchele
Emissionsfreier LKW fährt auf einer Autobahn.
© iStock / Chesky_W

hEVy Charge EU

hEVy Charge EU is an initiative coordinated by regional mobility clusters to support the rapid market roll-out of battery electric heavy-duty vehicles by contributing to the realisation of a coherent Europe-wide charging corridor.

Further information

Four Motors for Europe

Lombardy, Catalonia, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Baden-Württemberg have been pooling their interests as economically flourishing regions strong in research. Working groups meet at regular intervals, especially in the areas of research, technology and culture.

Further information
v.l.n.r.: Staatsministerin Theresa Schopper, Mireia Borrell i Porta, Generaldirektorin für Auswärtige Beziehungen (Katalonien), Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann, Abgeordnete Anne Pellet (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) und Staatssekretär Alan Christian Rizzi (Lombardei)
© Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg
© e-mobil BW / KD Busch


The German-French Alliance for Innovative Mobility Solutions aims to enhance the innovative strength of both countries.

Further information