Advisory Commitee

The advisory committee assists e-mobil BW GmbH with advice and support. With its high-ranking representatives from business, science, the regions and municipalities, the body contributes additional ideas and suggestions to the work of the State agency.

The advisory committee meets three times a year, in addition to the constant contact among members. e-mobil BW can also draw upon the various fields of expertise of the members of the committee, to obtain advice on the newest developments and trends.

Meetings of the advisory committee are convened either by the chairman of the committee or the management. The members of the advisory committee and the chairman are appointed by the shareholder: the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The term of members lasts four years.

Otherwise, members of the advisory committee can be dismissed earlier or resign their post by submitting a declaration to the supervisory board or the management. Re-appointment of the individual members is permitted.