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Climate protection & Transport sector

Kick-off for cross-border mobility pact

With a new alliance for sustainable and climate-friendly mobility, the Lahr region has adopted its first cross-border mobility pact. It is already the sixth mobility pact in Baden-Württemberg.

Mehrspurige Autobahn, man sieht die verschwommenen Scheinwerfer der Autos
The Lahr region has launched a cross-border mobility pact for sustainable and climate-friendly mobility.
© iStock / chinaface

Sixth mobility pact in BW

The sixth mobility pact in Baden-Württemberg for the promotion and development of future-oriented mobility in the Lahr region in the Ortenau district was launched with a virtual kick-off event. For the first time, a mobility pact takes as well cross-border transport into account.


Promoting climate-friendly mobility

The primary objective of the Lahr Mobility Pact is the development of sustainable mobility in the Lahr region across all modes of transport and interlinked with each other. Due to its economic development, the region is facing increasing burdens from passenger- and freight-traffic, especially at peak times during rush hour. Numerous workers also commute to the region from neighbouring Alsace. The Mobility Pact aims to address this issue and promote the switch to environmentally friendly alternatives such as buses, trains and bicycles. In addition to reducing noise and air pollutants, it also aims to increase road safety. Particular attention is also paid to freight transport. This means that passenger- and freight-traffic providers and their impact on each other are to be considered together in order to create a comprehensive sustainable transport system in the region.


Political support

Minister of Transport Winfried Hermann welcomes the Mobility Pact and its specific regional focus: "In order to make the mobility of each and every individual climate-friendly, we must always respond to the different needs of the local population. In the Lahr Mobility Pact, we therefore want to take into account the special situation of people who commute across the border and achieve a significant shift to climate-friendly modes of transport in the process." In this context, special emphasis is also placed on cooperation with French partners.


Source: Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg