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Hydrogen technology

hy-fcell 2024 – From Baden-Wuerttemberg to Abu Dhabi

THE LÄND and the H2BW platform will be presenting innovative companies, projects and keynote speeches at the hy-fcell - International Expo & Conference in Stuttgart from 8 - 9 October 2024. Pioneering developments in the field of hydrogen will also be presented in the Speaker's Corner.

Eröffnung der Messe hy-fcell mit Messe-Geschäftsführer Bleinroth, Ministerin Hoffmeister-Kraut sowie Isabell Knüttgen und Franz Loogen von e-mobil BW
Visiting the H2BW platform in Hall 4 on the opening day of the trade fair (from left to right): Trade fair Managing Director Roland Bleinroth, Isabell Knüttgen from e-mobil BW, Minister of Economic Affairs Dr Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut and e-mobil Managing Director Franz Loogen.
e-mobil BW

Hydrogen makes an important contribution to climate protection and a sustainable energy supply for Baden-Württemberg. At Messe Stuttgart, in Hall 4, Stand F39, colleagues from the platform H2BW and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment will spend two days presenting regional, national and international points of contact for hydrogen and fuel cell technology with companies, project partners and the specialists of tomorrow. The platform H2BW and the Fuel Cell Cluster BW will use the international trade fair to discuss developments in Baden-Württemberg with stakeholders from business, politics, science and the public sector.

Political dialogue all the way to Abu Dhabi

Important issues and brand-new trends in hydrogen and fuel cell technology will be presented in a political exchange with Environment Minister Thekla Walker and Economics Minister Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut on the opening day on 8 October 2024.

There will also be a focus on international dialogue: during the presentation on the ‘Automotive BW eco-system’, colleagues from e-mobil BW will also take advantage of a meeting of the Sector Group Automotive, Transportation & Mobility (SG ATM) of the European Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) at hy-fcell.

International contacts will also be made via a tour of the trade fair with the Chief Green Hydrogen Officer of Masdar, Abdelqader El-Ramahi, in Abu Dhabi. The emirate offers important opportunities in terms of green hydrogen.

Focus on H2 expertise and qualification

Colleagues from the platform H2BW and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Environment speak on the podium in the Speaker's Corner at the hy-fcell - International Expo and Conference in Stuttgart.

  • 08.10.24, 9:10 - 9:25 am: Presentation ‘Insights into Baden-Württemberg's Hydrogen Strategy and Key Initiatives on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology’ at the H2MA-Stakeholder Meeting in the context of hy-fcell
  • 08.10.24, 2:00 - 2:25 pm: Presentation ‘Eco-System Automotive BW’ at the meeting of the Sector Group Automotive, Transportation & Mobility (SG ATM) of the EEN at hy-fcell
  • 09.10.24, 1:25 - 1:55 pm: Contribution e-mobil BW at the Speaker's Corner on the topic ‘Hydrogen supply of tomorrow: Options for Baden-Württemberg’ together with the Ministry of the Environment BW

Wer sich (noch) nicht zu den Fachbesuchern zählt, für den bieten die Kolleg:innen der Messe Stuttgart einen geführten Rundgang unter dem Motto „Wasserstoff für Newbies“. Und um die nächste Generation kümmern sich die Kolleg.innen der e-mobil BW auch: eine Schüler-Tour liefert spannende Einblicke für die Fachkräfte von Morgen.

For those who are not (yet) trade visitors, the colleagues at Messe Stuttgart offer a guided tour under the motto ‘Hydrogen for newbies’. And the e-mobil BW colleagues are also looking after the next generation: a tour for schoolchildren provides exciting insights for the specialists of tomorrow.


Joint stand of the platform H2BW in Hall 4, Stand F36

Participating projects & partners:

  • H2iPortKAMod: Development of a model for setting up an H2 infrastructure at Karlsruhe's Rhine harbour that takes into account the local conditions and the needs of the relevant companies and stakeholders based there.
  • H2TwinTest: Development and testing of a combined, hybrid (hardware and software) multifunction test bench for complete FC drive systems from 500kW to 1MW.
  • HyFlex: Development of a production system for the flexible manufacture of hydrogen membrane components. Innovative process for a higher production speed.
  • ModuSkaBZ: Development and testing of a modular and scalable testing system for FC stacks.
  • HydrogREnBoost: Development of a network booster concept based on green hydrogen to increase network stability.
  • Hy.Teck: Establishment of green hydrogen production for industry and mobility applications in Weilheim an der Teck with a new H2 refuelling station, electrolysis plant and filling station.
  • Modularer Wärmetauscher für SOFC/SOEC, Development, validation and industrialisation of a modular gas generator for stationary fuel cells.
  • H2-Genesis: As part of the ‘H2-GeNeSiS’ model region, a hydrogen pipeline is being built along the Neckar between Stuttgart harbour and Esslingen. This forms the basis for a green hydrogen economy in the Stuttgart region. It will act as a distribution network for hydrogen.
  • Plattform Greentech BW: The aim is to accelerate the national and international implementation of GreenTech projects and to make BW a leading market and provider of green technologies in the long term.
  • Cluster Brennstoffzelle BW:  Promotes a wide range of activities for the further development of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in Baden-Württemberg.